Results for 'Judah Aryeh Leib Alter'

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  1.  6
    Penine Śefat Emet: leḳeṭ amarot mevoʼarot ʻal pi nośʼim.Judah Aryeh Leib Alter - 2000 - Ofrah: Mekhon Shovah. Edited by Mosheh Shapira.
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    The Fear, the Trembling, and the Fire: Kierkegaard and Hasidic Masters on the Binding of Isaac.Jerome I. Gellman - 1993 - Upa.
    This book is an investigation into authenticity, certainty, and self-hood as they arise in the story of the binding of Isaac. Gellman provides a new interpretation of Kierkegaard with select Hasidic commentary. Contents: INTRODUCTION: Background to the Book; Hasidism and Existentialism; Preview of the Chapters; THE FEAR AND THE TREMBLING: Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling; The Problem of Hearing and the Problem of Choice; The 'Ethical' for Kierkegaard; The 'Voice of God' for Kierkegaard; The Resolution of the Problems; THE UNCERTAINTY: Mordecai (...)
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  3. Sefer Divre ḥakhamim.Judah Leib Pukhovitser - 1975 - Yerushalayim: [Ḥ. Mo. L.].
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  4. ha-Ḥazarah ha-nitsḥit ba-filosofyah shel Niṭsheh.Aryeh Y. Leib - 1990 - Yerushalayim: Raziʼel.
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  5. Sefer ʻIr miḳlaṭ.David ben Aryeh Leib - 1969 - Edited by Ḥayyim Joseph David Azulai & Isaiah Horowitz.
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  6. (1 other version)Sefer Or ha-yashar ṿeha-ṭov.P. Lowy, Ẓevi Hirsch Friedman & David ben Aryeh Leib (eds.) - 1988 - Bruḳlin, N.Y.: P.E. Laṿi.
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    Psychopathology and psychotherapy of the Leib in schizophrenia.Cecilia Maria Salerno Esposito - 2021 - Phenomenology and Mind 21:100-111.
    Intersubjectivity impairment has been considered the main pathogenic nucleus of schizophrenia. Enriching this concept with references to Scheler’s phenomenology, our hypothesis is that schizophrenic subjects are affected by a deeper impairment: the inability to resonate with unipathic affectivity. Fragmentation of the Leibschema, valueception impairment, and the lack of vital impulse are, in our hypothesis, the original alterations of the schizophrenic bodily experience from which all relational impairments originate. Our proposal is, therefore, to enhance a psychotherapy that does not only focus (...)
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    La question du corps vivant (Leib) chez Heidegger, des Zollikoner Seminare À Sein und Zeit et retour.Christian Sommer - 2013 - Alter: revue de phénoménologie 21:205-220.
    Dans l’entretien avec M. Boss du 8 juillet 1965, Heidegger glose l’une des définitions aristotéliciennes de l’âme : « Chez Aristote, la psyché (Psyche) est l’entéléchie du corps vivant (Leib) ou du sôma. Dans son livre De anima, il dit (412a) : la psyché est le mode de l’être d’un vivant (Die Psyche ist die Weise des Seins eines Lebendigen) ». Et Heidegger ajoute : « L’entéléchie de l’homme est le logos ». Or dans le christianisme, dans la scolastique (...)
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  9.  21
    A European Enlightenment in the Promised Land? The Jewish Kulturkampf at the Turn of the Twentieth Century.Shmuel Feiner - 2020 - The European Legacy 25 (7):790-800.
    The poet and author Judah Leib Gordon (1830–92) was one of the key figures who promoted the Haskalah (The Jewish Enlightenment) among the large Jewish population in Eastern Europe in the second hal...
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    Struktur und genesis der fremderfahrung bei Edmund Husserl.Tetsuya Sakakibara - 2008 - Husserl Studies 24 (1):1-14.
    In seiner Fünften Cartesianischen Meditation entwickelt Husserl eine transzendentale Theorie der Fremderfahrung, der sogenannten ,,Einfühlung . Diese Theorie charakterisiert er in dieser Schrift als ,,statische Analyse . Genau besehen werden darin jedoch mehrere genetische Momente der Fremderfahrung in Betracht gezogen. In diesem Aufsatz versucht der Verfasser, zuerst aufgrund einiger nachgelassener Texte Husserls die wesentlichen Charaktere der statischen und der genetischen Methode und auch den Zusammenhang der beiden festzustellen, um dann aus der Analyse der Fünften Meditation die statischen und die genetischen (...)
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    Metaphysik der Naturwissenschaft.Wilhelm Schapp - 1965 - Den Haag,: M. Nijhoff.
    Hoffentlich gefällt diese Arbeit Hans Barth, Lübbe, N oack, Andersch ebensogut wie meine bisherigen Versuche. INHALT Überblick Der in Geschichten Verstrickte, sein Leib; das starre Wozuding, das Auswas des Wozudinges. Das Alter, der Raum, die Helligkeit, die Bewegung, die Welt, das Atom, die Welle. Der Zusammenhang der sechs Gebilde: Der in Geschichten Verstrickte, sein Leib, die Wozudinge, das Auswas der Wozu dinge, das Atom und die Wellen. Erster Abschnitt: Besprechung von Fällen KAPITEL I. Der Tisch und der (...)
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    Merleau-ponty's bijdrage tot de sociaalfilosofie: Interpretatie en critiek.S. Strasser - 1967 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 29 (3):427 - 470.
    Dem Beispiel Edmund Husserls folgend unternimmt M.-P. einen grosz angelegten Versuch, die Grundlagen der Sozialphilosophie philosophisch zu erhellen. Er verbindet dabei transzendentalphänomenologische, existenzialphilosophische und lebensphilosophische Denkmotive zu einer sehr persönlichen und ursprünglichen Synthese. Im Hinblick auf den schwierigen Charakter und die undurchsichtige Struktur seiner Ausführung wird zunächst eine Interpretation gegeben. M.-P. geht dialektisch vor. Seine These beruht auf seiner ausführlich entwicelten und sorgfältig dokumentierten Philosophie der menschlichen Leiblichkeit (vergi. Phänomenologie der Wahrnehmung übers, und eingeführt von RUDOLF BOEHM, Berlin 1966, S. (...)
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    The Role of Self-Movement in the Constitution of the Shared World.Kenneth Knies - 2024 - Husserl Studies 40 (2):129-146.
    I argue that Husserl’s manuscripts on intersubjectivity discover a decisive role for self-movement in the constitution of the shared world. I explore two complementary constitutive functions. The first enables empathetic apperception by closing the divergence in sense between the original ego, which does not find itself at a location, and the alter ego, which is found over there. By traversing distances with its organically articulated Leibkörper, the original ego establishes an analogy between self-movement and thing-movement that guides the recognition (...)
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    Diether R. Reinsch/Athanasios Kambylis (rec.), Annae Comnenae Alexias. Pars prior: Prolegomena et textus. Pars altera: Indices, digesserunt Foteini Kolovou et Diether R. Reinsch. [Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae. Series Berolinensis, 40/1-2.]. [REVIEW]Maria Tziatzi-Papagianni - 2003 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 96 (2):764-774.
    Die Alexias Anna Komnenes ist eine sehr wichtige und interessante historische Quelle für die Zeit um die Wende vom 11. zum 12. Jh. Bereits im J. 1970 bezüglich des 15. Buches und im J. 1990 bezüglich der Bücher 1–14 der Alexias wurde von A. Kambylis und D. R. Reinsch entsprechend festgestellt, daß die bis zu jenem Zeitpunkt erschienenen Ausgaben einschließlich der von B. Leib (1937 (1967), 1943 (1967), 1945) verbesserungsbedürftig waren. So wurde der Plan zu einer neuen kritischen Ausgabe (...)
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    Mortal Subjects.Christina Howells - 2011 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    This wide ranging and challenging book explores the relationship between subjectivity and mortality as it is understood by a number of twentieth-century French philosophers including Sartre, Lacan, Levinas and Derrida. Making intricate and sometimes unexpected connections, Christina Howells draws together the work of prominent thinkers from the fields of phenomenology and existentialism, religious thought, psychoanalysis, and deconstruction, focussing in particular on the relations between body and soul, love and death, desire and passion. From Aristotle through to contemporary analytic philosophy and (...)
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    The Activity of Being: An Essay on Aristotle’s Ontology.Aryeh Kosman - 2013 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard.
    Understanding “what something is” has long occupied philosophers, and no Western thinker has had more influence on the nature of being than Aristotle. Focusing on a reinterpretation of the concept of energeia as “activity,” Aryeh Kosman reexamines Aristotle’s ontology and some of our most basic assumptions about the great philosopher’s thought.
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    Philosophy and the Jewish tradition: lectures and essays by Aryeh Leo Motzkin.Aryeh Leo Motzkin - 2011 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Yehuda Halper.
    Plato and Aristotle on the vocation of the philosopher -- Halevi's Kuzari as a platonic dialogue -- Maimonides and the imagination -- Elia del Medigo, Averroes and Averroism -- Paduan Averroism reconsidered -- Philosophy and mysticism -- Maimonides and Spinoza on good and evil -- A note on natural right, nature and reason in Spinoza -- Spinoza and Luzzatto : philosophy and religion -- On the interpretation of Maimonides: the cases of Samuel David Luzzatto and Ahad Haxam -- Harry a. (...)
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  18.  33
    The two-arousal hypothesis: Reticular formation and limbic system.Aryeh Routtenberg - 1968 - Psychological Review 75 (1):51-80.
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    Virtues of Thought.Aryeh Kosman - 2013 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard.
    Exploring what two foundational figures, Plato and Aristotle, have to say about the nature of human awareness and understanding, Aryeh Kosman concludes that ultimately the virtues of thought are to be found in the joys and satisfactions that come from thinking philosophically, whether we engage in it ourselves or witness others' participation.
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  20. Sefer Shaʼagat Aryeh: ṿe-nilṿeh elaṿ Sefer Ben maśkil ; ṿe-Sefer Mosheh emet ṿe-Torato emet.Yehudah Aryeh ben Mordekhai Leṿinger - 2013 - Bruḳlin, Nyu Yorḳ: Mordekhai Tsevi Luger. Edited by Yaʻaḳov Hilel Luger, Mordekhai Tsevi Luger & Yehudah Aryeh ben Mordekhai Leṿinger.
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    Heraclitus and Thales’ Conceptual Scheme: A Historical Study.Aryeh Finkelberg - 2017 - Boston: Brill.
    In Heraclitus and Thales’ Conceptual Scheme: A Historical Study Aryeh Finkelberg rejects the teleological interpretation of early Greek thought as targeted at later results, viz. philosophy, and seeks to determine its intended meaning by restoring it to its historical context.
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    Review of Aryeh Botwinick: Skepticism and Political Participation.[REVIEW]Aryeh BOTWINICK - 1993 - Ethics 103 (2):397-398.
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    Factor structure and validation of the attentional control scale.Matt R. Judah, DeMond M. Grant, Adam C. Mills & William V. Lechner - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (3):433-451.
  24. Aristotle on the Desirability of Friends.Aryeh Kosman - 2004 - Ancient Philosophy 24 (1):135-154.
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    Sacks forcing, Laver forcing, and Martin's axiom.Haim Judah, Arnold W. Miller & Saharon Shelah - 1992 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 31 (3):145-161.
    In this paper we study the question assuming MA+⌝CH does Sacks forcing or Laver forcing collapse cardinals? We show that this question is equivalent to the question of what is the additivity of Marczewski's ideals 0. We give a proof that it is consistent that Sacks forcing collapses cardinals. On the other hand we show that Laver forcing does not collapse cardinals.
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  26.  13
    (1 other version)Emmanuel Levinas and the Limits to Ethics: A Critique and a Re-Appropriation.Aryeh Botwinick - 2013 - New York: Routledge.
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    Aristotle's First Predicament.Aryeh Kosman - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (3):483 - 506.
    Alternatively, we might attend not to the different answers appropriate to different questions asked about the same entity, but to the different answers which result when, about different entities, the same question is asked repeatedly, the question "What is it?" What is Socrates? a man; what is a man? an animal; and so on, branch by branch up the Porphyrian tree, until we reach "substance." Each ultimate answer will signify a supreme and irreducible genus of entity, not a type of (...)
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  28. Self-Knowledge and Self-Control in Plato's "Charmides".Aryeh Kosman - 2013 - In Virtues of Thought. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard. pp. 227-245.
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  29. Derekh ḥayim: perush le-masekhet Avot.Judah Loew ben Bezalel - 1975 - Tel-Aviv: Mekhon "Yad Mordekhai". Edited by Ḥayim Pardes.
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    Agnotologie, die Grenzen der Gewissheit und die Theorie der Demokratie.Aryeh Botwinick - 2019 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 67 (3):349-372.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie Jahrgang: 67 Heft: 3 Seiten: 349-372.
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    Chapter 5. Philosophy of Conversation and Philosophy of Personal Identity.Aryeh Botwinick - 2010 - In Michael Oakeshott's Skepticism. Princeton University Press. pp. 132-193.
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    Gibt es unauflösbare Widersprüche, denen sich das Ideal der Textkohärenz anpassen muss?Aryeh Botwinick - 2022 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 70 (1):37-63.
    The paper addresses the topic of the unavoidability of contradiction in dealing with issues of scepticism – and how coherence can be restored to sceptical arguments and texts. It considers six classic paradoxes in the history of Western thought – of how language works to undermine and derail the coherence of thought. It also theorizes a philosophy of language approach to restore coherence in the classic instances discussed. As its major example, the paper explores how and why the image of (...)
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  33. Nowhere to Go but Back, Nowhere to Go but Forward: The Circular Stance of the Law in the Thought of Hans Kelsen.Aryeh Botwinick - 2005 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2005 (131):126-151.
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  34. On Avicenna.Aryeh Botwinick - 2007 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2007 (139):123-131.
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    Skepticism.Aryeh Botwinick - 1990 - Temple University Press.
    Aryeh Botwinick argues for the recovery of a radical democratic tradition that emphasizes the role of individual participation in the development and control of social and political institutions. Such involvement implies philosophical skepticism—the assumption that the truth about what is the best course of action cannot be known with certainty and that, therefore, every person’s opinion has an equal claim to be considered. The crucial stumbling block to reappropriating this radical egalitarian tradition is the supposed unviability of a consistent (...)
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  36.  40
    Towards an Erotics of Martyrdom.Aryeh Cohen - 1998 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 7 (2):227-256.
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    Toward an understanding of angiogenesis: search and discovery.Judah Folkman - 1985 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 29 (1):10-36.
  38. Divre ḥakhamim: ʻal ha-midot.Aryeh Leyb ben Ḥ (ed.) - 1979 - Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼat "Ḥakhamim".
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    The Fathers According to Rabbi Nathan.Judah Goldin (ed.) - 1955 - New Haven: Yale University Press.
    This is the first English translation of The Fathers According to Rabbi Nathan, one of the richest depositories of rabbinic reflections on the study of the Torah. It is the earliest commentary on Abot, the only tractate of the Mishnah that does not deal with legal matters but exclusively with "agada," an unlimited variety of religious, ethical, and edifying subjects.
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    Neural mechanisms of sleep: Changing view of reticular formation function.Aryeh Routtenberg - 1966 - Psychological Review 73 (6):481-499.
  41. Sefer ḥasidim: k.y. Parmah H 3280.Judah ben Samuel - 1985 - Yerushalayim: Merkaz Dinur. Edited by Ivan G. Marcus.
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  42.  19
    Progressive Minds, Conservative Politics: Leo Strauss's Later Writings on Maimonides.Aryeh Tepper - 2013 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    _Compelling account of Strauss's mature Maimonidean writings._.
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    The Hasidic Moses: a chapter in the history of Jewish interpretation.Aryeh Wineman - 2019 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications.
    In The Hasidic Moses, Aryeh Wineman invites readers to join him on a journey through various eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Hasidic texts that interpret the life of Moses. Such texts read their own accent on spirituality and innerness along with their conceptions of community and spiritual leadership into the biblical account of Moses. Wineman reveals the ways in which historical Hasidic voices interpreted both the Exodus from Egypt and the scene of Revelation at Sinai as statements concerning what occurs constantly (...)
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  44.  50
    Politics in a World of Scarcity: Theories of Justice and Political Obligation.Aryeh Botwinick - 1981 - Journal of Social Philosophy 12 (3):7-15.
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    A case for Hume's nonutilitarianism.Aryeh Botwinick - 1977 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 15 (4):423.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Case for Hume's Nonutilitarianism ARYEH BOTWINICK IN MANY HISTORIES OF WESTERN THOUGHTI--as well as in those devoted more specifically to the history of Western political thought2--the designation of Hume as a utilitarian in his ethical and political theory is taken for granted. The word "utility" occurs frequently in both the Treatise and the Enquiry concerning the Principles of Morals, and this has led most commentators to posit (...)
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    The Kunen-Miller chart (lebesgue measure, the baire property, Laver reals and preservation theorems for forcing).Haim Judah & Saharon Shelah - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (3):909-927.
    In this work we give a complete answer as to the possible implications between some natural properties of Lebesgue measure and the Baire property. For this we prove general preservation theorems for forcing notions. Thus we answer a decade-old problem of J. Baumgartner and answer the last three open questions of the Kunen-Miller chart about measure and category. Explicitly, in \S1: (i) We prove that if we add a Laver real, then the old reals have outer measure one. (ii) We (...)
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    Working memory load moderates late attentional bias in social anxiety.Matt R. Judah, DeMond M. Grant, William V. Lechner & Adam C. Mills - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (3):502-511.
  48. What Does the Maker Mind Make?Aryeh Kosman - 1992 - In Martha Craven Nussbaum & Amélie Rorty (eds.), Essays on Aristotle's De anima. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 343-358.
  49. Man's Search for Divinity - Self-transcendence in Logotherapy and Kabbalah.Aryeh Siegel - 2016 - In God and Evil. Efrat, Israel: Joy of Life Seminars. pp. 59-67.
  50.  28
    The Moderating Effect of Religiousness and Spirituality on the Relation between Dyadic Sexual and Non-Sexual Communication with Sexual and Marital Satisfaction among Married Jewish Women.Aryeh Lazar - 2016 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 38 (3):353-377.
    Moderating effects of religiousness and spirituality on the relations between sexual and non-sexual dyadic communication with sexual and marital satisfaction were examined. Three hundred forty-two married Jewish women responded to self-report measures. Religiousness moderated the relations between both sexual and non-sexual communication with marital satisfaction—for the less religious these relations were stronger in comparison with the more religious—but not with sexual satisfaction. Sexual communication had a unique contribution to the prediction of sexual satisfaction while both types of communication demonstrated unique (...)
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